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БІБЛІОТЕКА Славутицького ЗЗСО №1

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«  Листопад 2019  »
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Головна » 2019 » Листопад » 12 » What People Are Doing for ISLM 2019
What People Are Doing for ISLM 2019

Report on “The International month of school libraries”

  • Ukraine
  • Kyiv Region
  • t. Slavutych
  • Druzhba Narodiv 19
  • School #1
  • Library manager: Nina Remez
  • School librarian: Nina Murzich

During the International month of school libraries the All-Ukrainian month of school libraries was held at school number 1 in Slavutych under the slogan “The library of the New Ukrainian school is a space for every student`s educational opportunities”.

This month the library`s work was aimed at engaging pupils to read print publications, providing the environment for readers, expanding their reading interests and promoting the library.

Participants of the educational process joined the All-Ukrainian action “Libraries full of readers”. The library classes “I will read to know a lot” were held for the second grade students. A quest “Pages of favourite books” was organized with the fifth grade students. The sixth grade students participated in the poetry contest “A library is a wonderful world”.

In the reading room there was a workshop “Repair the book. Bookmark it”. The children made and painted bookmarks for books and repaired textbooks.

All the events were useful, informative and interesting. It is known that the school is foremost a book. And the book at school is a school library.




Категорія: Заходи | Переглядів: 317 | Додав: Яна | Теги: ISLM 2019? місячник | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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